Thursday, March 3, 2011

Instructional Leader -- Week 2 -- post #3

The ideas outlined in the Dept. of Education’s report “Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology” are organized into many of the same areas – learning, assessment, teaching, infrastructure, and productivity -- as the Texas Long Range Plan. The first section of content covers learning in the 21st century. This vision relies on the power of technology to personalize instruction. The report emphasizes the positive impact of technology on relevance and flexibility. Students live in a technological world of 24/7 information and application. Education that reflects this environment will be more appealing and engaging to students. Also, technology allows learners to be at the center of exploration, navigating through content using a variety of mediums. The next area of study is assessment. Technology allows educators to make data-driven decisions. Technological assessments allow students to revisit and analyze past performance and future goals. Next, technological advances will allow teachers to engage in a connected teaching model. Teachers will build learning communities that exchange data, opinions, and insights. Professional development will play a large role in helping teachers transition from traditional models to the connected teacher. Also, technology can level the playing field for students; students of all backgrounds can have the same learning opportunities. This equality can only be reached if the proper infrastructure is implemented across the nation. All students must have equal access and resources to enhance student learning. Finally, the report addresses productivity. Funds must be spent efficiently and judiciously in the face of tight budgets. We must get as much as possible for each dollar spent. Old assumptions and practices must be challenged, if fiscal responsibility is going to be met.

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