Monday, March 21, 2011

My campus recently purchased 24 IPADS along with a networked cart. Each department chair has been asked to take the IPAD home over the summer. We are to search for APPS that would be appropriate for our content area. I would like to use the IPADS with a PSAT preparation class that I teach during the summer. There are two different types of professional development that are needed as we implement IPAD technology into our curriculum and instruction. First, many teachers have no experience with Apple products much less IPADs. They need basic training on this platform that would also include general uses in education. Then teachers should be trained in their specific content-area, enriching the instruction in their classrooms.

Goal: Integrate IPAD technology into the curriculum and instruction of summer PSAT preparation class.

Stakeholders Responsibilities Date of Completion
Ellen Williams – District Director of Special Programs She coordinates the prep. class and would have to approve any major change in curriculum and instruction. April 1
Robert Templeton – Campus Principal He would also have to approve any major changes to the program. April 1
Heather Engstrom – Campus Dean of Curriculum She is responsible for our adoption of IPAD technology. She would have to approve the use of the technology. She will assist in the compiling student PSAT scores in the past and she will track improvement of students attending the preparation course. April 5
Joel Atkins – District Chief Technology Officer Both instructors would seek his expertise in this new technology. He would be able to give or recommend the appropriate professional development for our specific use of the technology. April 25
Peter Thomas – math teacher
Austin Clarkson – English teacher Research available APPS that would enhance learning. Seek professional development that would teach the fundamental applications of the technology as well as the implementation of the technology in instruction and curriculum. Would also teach the class, using IPAD technology and complete teacher assessment of the results. Would also assist in gathering student assessments of the technology. July 15

I would assess the use of IPAD technology in the PSAT course three ways. First, the two teachers of the course would complete a formal assessment. The students of the course would also complete a formal assessment. Finally, the PSAT scores of these students would be tracked from their sophomore and junior year. Score differences would be compared to past students of the preparation course. Of course, all professional development attended by staff would also have a formal assessment.

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